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Dharma Talks
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2021-09-17 Reflections on Intention & Effort. Walking Meditation Instructions. Attitude. 44:41
Ajahn Jutindharo
Gaia House Exploring the Brahmaviharas: Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity

2021-08-22 3 - Introduction to walking meditation 2:41
Ajahn Amaro
London Insight Meditation Day 2 – Sustaining Right Effort and Finding the Balance

2021-08-21 3 - Introduction to walking meditation 5:00
Ajahn Amaro
London Insight Meditation Day 1 – Sustaining Right Effort and Finding the Balance

2021-08-09 Walking through your identity 8:27
Ajahn Sucitto
In walking meditation, move through the identifiable world. Feel its resonances and triggerings and keep walking, see them as changing flickering phenomena. Maintain a steadiness as you walk through your world – it’s not actually yours, it’s always going its own way.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Open Stability
In collection: A Moving Balance

2021-06-27 1 - Welcome, meditation, and walking practice introduction 65:27
Zohar Lavie
London Insight Meditation Present, steady and awake – Practicing in the midst of life

2021-05-27 Feeling the Ouch with Dignity and Integrity 54:36
Dana DePalma
Contemplation Reflections → Sitting Meditation → Walking/Movement
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dancing with Life: The Twelve Insight Practices of the Four Noble Truths

2021-05-02 Walking Meditation – Walking Through the Mind 4:52
Ajahn Sucitto
In walking, experience the fluidities and exchanges of movement. Walk through the sense realm, noticing how objects change. Walk through your mental field in the same way, the wallpaper changing as you move along. Notes on reclining meditation conclude these instructions.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-02-27 Instructions: Walking Meditation 11:35
Alisa Dennis
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Year to Live 2021

2021-02-11 Metta: Persons to Avoid, Metta in Walking Practice 52:56
Ariya B. Baumann
In formal metta meditation practice, one should not develop metta for people who have died or persons to whom we feel sexually attracted. Metta in walking meditation and its benefits.
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 7th Annual Metta Retreat - Part 2

2020-12-29 Guided Movement Meditation 7:31
Ayya Anandabodhi
Guided walking meditation and hand movement meditation.
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery New Year Retreat 2020/21

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