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Dharma Talks
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2019-06-24 Méditation de metta 20:08
Sayadaw U Jagara
Pratiquer metta envers soi-même, envers une personne bienfaitrice et envers une personne neutre.
L’Association de méditation Parami :  U Jagara

2019-06-23 Méditation de metta 11:34
Sayadaw U Jagara
Pesanteur et grâce.
L’Association de méditation Parami :  U Jagara

2019-06-23 Instructions de méditation 13:03
Sayadaw U Jagara
Se connaitre en utilisant l’attention au corps comme base et en utilisant l’attention aux êtres (metta).
L’Association de méditation Parami :  U Jagara

2019-06-22 Radiating Metta With Light Imagery 60:35
Amana Brembry Johnson
There are many doorways into metta practice. This doorway of practice is through guided meditation with 3-D imagery.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center People of Color Retreat

2019-06-22 Méditation de metta 22:29
Sayadaw U Jagara
Introduction à la pratique sur les brahmavihara.
L’Association de méditation Parami :  U Jagara

2019-06-21 Chant de metta 4:52
Sayadaw U Jagara
Chant de bienveillance et de compassion. Basé sur les brahmavihara.
L’Association de méditation Parami :  U Jagara

2019-06-19 Q&A 2:07:10
Ajahn Achalo
Questions are précised. Q1 0:00 - Could you explain the meaning of mind? Q2 14:29 - When watching the breath, continuous attention is difficult due to the interference of thinking. How can we overcome this? Q3 28:14 - What are the basic techniques of meditation for a beginner Q4 39:12 - Before starting meditation should we practice yoga to train our mind? Q5 40:52 During breath awareness meditation, should we take the breath consciously, or see the natural process of breathing? Q6 42:00 Can you explain the process of metta meditation and how it helps to overcome anger, frustration and resentment. Q7: 46:00 What is mindfulness meditation? How is it practiced? Can we practice it while working in the office? Q8 52:36 I have acute pain in the knees and ankles when I sit. Are there any exercises that would help? Q9 56:12 When I meditate I usually feel sleepy. Why is this? Q10 1:00:19 When I meditate I see colours and lights, hear the sounds and feel fully aware of what is happening around me. What is this state? Q11 1:02:51 When I meditate my thought processes get very sharp, and more and more very good ideas seem to come into my mind. Hence, now I know I am fond of thinking rather than meditating. Please advise me. Q12 1:13:02 How can we shift from samatha to vipassana meditation? How long will it take a beginner to practice vipassana? Q13 1:20:50 How can we identify the improvements and development of mental states we've achieved as a result? Q14 1:26:50 During meditation I see a lot of incidents / situations mentally, which I have never experienced in day-to-day life. What is this? Q15 1:29:32 When I go to bed I usually try to pay attention to my breath. Is this good or will it negatively affect my sitting meditation? Q16 1:30:29 How long one should practice meditation to achieve samadhi? May I know a program or meditation schedule in order to achieve this state? Q 17 1:33:15 I joined a new company that meditates 15 minutes before work daily. Why I didn't get this opportunity before? Was it an effect of my kamma?

2019-06-18 The Liberating Power of Loving Kindness - Metta 1:12:11
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Five-Week Vipassana Retreat with Sayadaw Vivekananda, Sayalay Daw Vimalanani, & Marcia Rose

2019-06-16 Morning Instructions: Pervading Metta for All Beings 45:24
Guy Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2019 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2019-06-15 Morning Instructions: Metta for All Beings 46:08
Sally Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2019 at IMS - Forest Refuge

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