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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2020-07-08 Talk: the role of perceptions and formations in creating identity 32:39
An overview of how the clinging-aggregates of perception and formations can create a fixed identity for oneself and others, then touching in to this process in relation to racial identity. Includes a quote from Shakil Choudhury's work on racial and social justice education and psychological literacy:
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society
2020-07-02 02 guided meditation: mindfulness of breathing 22:51
An introduction to mindfulness of breathing, using the rhythm of the breath to steady awareness and then refining mindfulness to stay connected with the details of the breath, one half-breath at a time
Auckland Insight Meditation Foundations of Insight
2020-07-02 01 talk intro to insight meditation 19:30
A short introduction to insight meditation, its purpose and the key techniques for developing mindfulness (sati) and stability of mind (samadhi)
Auckland Insight Meditation Foundations of Insight
2020-06-11 27 guided meditation: equanimity as spaciousness 28:30
Orienting to space within and outside the body as a support for resting the mind into equanimity
Auckland Insight Meditation Insight Meditation + Insight Dialogue seven-day retreat
2020-06-11 25: guided meditation cultivating mudita 28:38
Beginning by orienting to pleasant feeling-tones in the body as a way in to the experience of appreciation, then opening to other aspects of one's life that are going well, and noticing the effect of mudita on the body, heart and mind
Auckland Insight Meditation Insight Meditation + Insight Dialogue seven-day retreat
2020-06-11 24 instructions: mudita practice 13:28
How mudita, appreciative joy, can be an antidote to "mana" or comparing mind, and in the context of Insight Dialogue practice, can help reduce self-consciousness in dyad (pairs) practice
Auckland Insight Meditation Insight Meditation + Insight Dialogue seven-day retreat
2020-06-10 23 talk: Seven factors of Awakening 43:53
An overview of the seven factors of awakening, and how to practice with more refined states of mind
Auckland Insight Meditation Insight Meditation + Insight Dialogue seven-day retreat
2020-06-09 20 talk: wisdom and compassion 48:03
How insight and the heart qualities of kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity balance each other out to support the development of deep freedom
Auckland Insight Meditation Insight Meditation + Insight Dialogue seven-day retreat
2020-06-09 18 guided meditation: practising with thoughts and emotions 26:12
Beginning by steadying the awareness on the breath and physical sensations, then opening to include sounds, then thoughts and emotions
Auckland Insight Meditation Insight Meditation + Insight Dialogue seven-day retreat
2020-06-09 22 guided meditation: compassion and self-compassion 17:03
Beginning with compassion for someone we're close to who's experiencing some kind of pain, then extending compassion to ourselves, our co-meditators and all living beings
Auckland Insight Meditation Insight Meditation + Insight Dialogue seven-day retreat

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