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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-07-02 Wisdom and Speech Practice 56:40
Donald Rothberg
We explore three increasingly subtle aspects of wisdom and the speech practices related to each of them: (1) the wisdom to know what is wholesome and unwholesome, particularly in an ethical context; (2) the wisdom to know suffering and the roots of suffering, and freedom and its roots; (3) the wisdom to know the nature of more direct experience and the nature of concepts. In all types of wisdom, the basis is the close study of experience, leading to insight and clear seeing.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness, Wise Speech, and Compassionate Communication

2010-07-02 "Qualities of a Beautiful Mind" 56:28
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Awareness with Wisdom

2010-07-02 Everything and Nothing: Mindfulness in Family Life 46:25
Deborah Ratner Helzer
In meditation, we look to see if we can break through our mistaken sense of self. How can we look in our relationships to break through our sense of other?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Family Retreat

2010-07-02 A Map Leading To Unlocatable Release 44:39
Ajahn Sucitto

2010-07-02 Opening Talk for Open Field - Meditation and Chi Kung Retreat 49:57
Yvonne Weier
talk also includes Chi Kung teacher Max Weier
Gaia House Open Field - Meditation and Chi Kung

2010-07-01 Why we need a technique 29:58
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2010-07-01 Speaking from the Heart-Metta and Speech Practice 53:04
Donald Rothberg
The Buddha spoke often of the centrality of speaking lovingly from the heart- "affectionately...with a mind of good-will". We explore the importance for speech practice of working directly with mind and heart, learning through metta practice to "lead" with our hearts. We also in the process touch more and more our radiant hearts, transforming what gets in the way of these hearts.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness, Wise Speech, and Compassionate Communication

2010-07-01 Kamma: An Opportunity for Future Well-Being 58:12
Steve Armstrong
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Awareness with Wisdom

2010-07-01 Independence Day: True Independence and Its Wider implications 45:04
James Baraz
What does it mean to be truly independent? Independent from what? And if we are genuinely independent how does that affect the way we live our lives?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2010-07-01 Things As They Are 34:40
Mary Grace Orr
Insight Santa Cruz

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