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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2023-02-13 07 talk: The hindrance of aversion and some strategies for working with it 42:14
Jill Shepherd
Exploring the characteristics of aversion or ill will, how "averting" can at times be skilful, and if an antidote to aversion is needed, compassion and particularly self-compassion can sometimes be more effective than mettā NOTE: recording cuts out after 30 minutes due to a technical error, sorry
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Seven-day insight meditation retreat

2023-02-11 05 Metta 30:06
Kim Allen
Uncontrived Online Weekend Retreat

2023-02-10 Just Like Me – Others Are Not Different 1:30:40
Ariya B. Baumann
The benevolent attitude of metta is based on the understanding that others are just like me
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 9th Annual Metta Retreat 2023 - Part 2

2023-02-10 Metta for All Beings (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 45:47
Anushka Fernandopulle
Wishing well for all beings in a variety of ways
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2023-02-09 Living Kindness 56:03
Kevin Griffin
Kevin Griffin explores the Metta Sutta, the Buddha's words on Loving-Kindness. How can we actually live this teaching in an embodied way? Kevin's new book is Living Kindness: Metta Practice for the Whole of Our Lives. From Publisher’s Weekly: “The lucid analysis of Buddhist texts and the jargon-free examination of metta make this an ideal primer on a core element of Buddhist thought and practice."
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-02-08 Cultivating Metta (Lovingkindness, Love, Friendliness) 2 62:26
Donald Rothberg
In this second talk on Metta (lovingkindness) practice, we first review the foundational nature of the practice and its connection with the cultivation of wisdom and bring our practice into our lives and action in the world, with a reading of a poem from one of the early Buddhist nuns. We examine in some depth some of the challenges to Metta practice, what makes it challenging to manifest kindness and love, and point to some of the way to practice Metta in daily life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2023-02-08 Guided Meditation: Metta (Lovingkindness) Practice with Phrases and Radiating Metta 39:21
Donald Rothberg
We start with a short overview of practicing metta practice with phrases, followed by about 8-9 minutes of settling with mindfulness practice. Then we practice metta with phrases with beings with whom the metta flows most easily. This is followed by a period of guided practice of radiating metta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2023-02-06 Day 4, Module IV: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, Metta module 1:50:29
Howard Cohn
2-hour practice period ('module'); includes instruction and guided and silent practice. One of four modules each day on the daily retreat theme, with Howard Cohn, Leslie Booker or Genevieve Tregor.
One World Mindfulness :  The Four Foundations of Mindfulness - February Retreat 2023

2023-02-06 Introduction to Metta Meditation 1:29:37
Ariya B. Baumann
Basic instructions for the practice of metta meditation
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 9th Annual Metta Retreat 2023 - Part 2

2023-02-01 Dharma Talk - Mettā and Insight 49:13
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Mettā and Insight

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