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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2019-10-16 Belonging to Each Other – Part 2 of 3 53:42
Tara Brach
Mother Teresa writes that if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. These three talks explore the causes for severed belonging, and pathways to deepening the felt sense of belonging to our own body, heart and spirit, and to all beings. Together the talks offer a natural and powerful progression of lovingkindness or metta reflections, that when practiced regularly can open us to the peace, joy and freedom of trusting our mutual belonging.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2019-10-11 Metta and Emptiness 58:32
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness 2019

2019-10-09 Belonging to Each Other – Part 1 51:08
Tara Brach
Mother Teresa writes that if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. These two talks explore the causes for severed belonging, and pathways to deepening the felt sense of belonging to our own body, heart and spirit, and to all beings. Together the talks offer a natural and powerful progression of lovingkindness or metta reflections, that when practiced regularly can open us to the peace, joy and freedom of trusting our mutual belonging.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2019-10-08 Forgiveness Meditation 48:43
Guy Armstrong
Forgiveness as a complement to the meditations on Metta
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2019-10-01 Die Brahmavihara, Teil 1: Metta 50:07
Renate Seifarth
Die Metta Praxis ist Teil der Brahmavihara-Praxis. Im Vortrag geht es darum, was sich hinter Metta verbirgt, warum diese Qualität von Bedeutung für uns und den Weg des Erwachens ist und wie sie kultiviert wird.
Waldhaus am Laacher See :  6 Tage Metta Retreat

2019-10-01 Guided Metta Meditation 2:09
Leigh Brasington
Do you like to be happy?

2019-09-17 Introduction To Guided Metta Meditation 55:45
Carol Wilson
Self and benefactor.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2019-09-17 Guided Metta -- You Got Love Coming 39:59
Vinny Ferraro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation

2019-09-15 Metta 41:38
Renate Seifarth
Die Entwicklung eines grundlegenden Wohlwollens und Mitgefühls gilt als zweiter Flügel in der Praxis. Die Metta-Meditation ist ein Weg diese Haltung zu entwickeln. Es wird auf die Bedeutung hingewiesen und warum die Praxis eine innere Haltung in uns verankern kann
Buddha-Haus :  Sieben Tage Vipassana und Metta

2019-09-15 Loving Kindness guided meditation - metta 11:51
a talk given at a non-residential retreat at Dharma Zephyr Insight sangha in Carson City, NV
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

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