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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
2017-09-25 08 Talk: Dana - generosity as the foundation of the path to freedom 45:11
Dana as a spiritual practice; its relationship to gratitude, and ways to overcome some of the conditioning that gets in the way of cultivating an open heart-mind
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-25 06 Guided meditation: mindfulness of the body, breathing, sounds etc 29:47
Bringing awareness to the body, physical sensations, the breath, sounds and thoughts, ending with three questions
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-25 05 Instructions: different qualities of mindfulness 10:46
Bringing mindfulness to mindfulness itself, noticing different qualities of awareness
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-24 03 Guided meditation: working in pairs exploring physical sensations in the body 26:51
Guided meditation in dyads (pairs) naming physical sensations out loud, with increasing attention to detail
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-24 02 Instructions: practising bare awareness of physical sensations 16:31
Using mental noting to help cultivate bare attention or bare awareness of physical sensations
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-14 Guided meditation: equanimity for different phases of our lives 38:00
Equanimity for our own lives, in different phases from birth to adulthood
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-14 Short instructions: equanimity and the eight worldly winds 6:54
Cultivating equanimity at the end of a retreat, and a brief introduction of equanimity in relation to the eight worldly winds
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-13 Talk: anatta not-self and the five aggregates subject to clinging 51:34
Not-self or anatta and an overview of the five aggregates subject to clinging
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-12 Guided meditation: equanimity for difficult person 23:19
Exploring equanimity in relation to a difficult or "sticky" person, someone whom we have an agenda for, then in relation to ourselves
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Awakening our Natural Wisdom
2017-09-12 Instructions: equanimity for difficult person 10:48
Exploring equanimity in relation to a "difficult" person
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Awakening our Natural Wisdom

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