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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2018-01-01 22 talk: Seven Factors of Awakening 43:17
An overview of the Seven Factors of Awakening, and the role they play in developing insight
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2018-01-01 21 guided meditation: compassion 22:29
Compassion for a good friend currently experiencing pain
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2018-01-01 20 instructions: compassion 16:25
A recap of the four brahma vihara practices, and introduction to compassion
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2017-12-31 17 talk: Compassion 45:29
An overview of compassion; what supports it, and what gets in the way
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2017-12-31 14 guided meditation: mindfulness of mind 26:34
Bringing awareness to the breath, physical sensations, sounds, thoughts and emotions
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2017-12-31 13 instructions: Mindfulness of Mind 18:30
Beginning to explore the Third Foundation of Mind, mindfulness of mind, including thoughts, emotions, moods, and mind-states
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2017-12-30 12 talk: Right Effort 51:09
An exploration of ways to find balanced effort
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2017-12-29 09 talk: Dukkha and the Four Noble Truths 49:42
An overview of the Four Noble Truths, and skilful ways of relating to dukkha (suffering, unsatisfactoriness)
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2017-12-29 08 meditation: four elements 10:43
guided meditation exploring the four elements in the body, lying down
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat
2017-12-29 07 instructions: Mindfulness of the Body and four elements or qualities 5:56
Exploring physical sensations in the body in terms of four elements or qualities of earth, fire, water and wind or air
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Sydney Insight Meditators New Year's retreat

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