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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks in English
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2022-04-04 Buddhist Studies Course: Sensuality, Craving, Contentment and Dispassion, Week 4 – Meditation 31:06
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course: Sensuality, Craving, Contentment and Dispassion

2022-04-04 Buddhist Studies Course: Sensuality, Craving, Contentment and Dispassion, Week 4 – Talk 41:23
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course: Sensuality, Craving, Contentment and Dispassion

2022-04-04 Week 4 - Dharma Talk 30:25
Laura Bridgman
Not-self, emptiness & dependent arising.
Gaia House Foundations of Dharma practice: what the Buddha taught.

2022-04-04 The Nature of Contemporary Awakening and the Transformation of Racism 1:13:51
Donald Rothberg
On this 54th anniversary of the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the 55th anniversary of his talk, "Beyond Vietnam," at the Riverside Church in New York, we explore the nature of Buddhist practice to transform racism, in the context of examining the nature of awakening in the contemporary world. We start by asking whether we may be undergoing a kind of "Fourth Turning," in which there is emerging an expanded contemporary sense of awakening, which includes the transformation of forms greed, hatred, and delusion not explicitly identified in the traditional understanding of awakening. Answering the question affirmatively, we point to two broad areas of ignorance, related to psychological material, and to social conditioning and institutions. On this basis, we then use the traditional Buddhist framework of training in wisdom, meditation, and ethics (and action) to give a preliminary account of a Buddhist approach to transforming racism. From a wisdom perspective, we look particularly at the Buddha's response to the caste system, and his sense of caste divisions as arbitrary (and empty) constructions, followed by looking closely at the constructions of whiteness, blackness, and race in the colonies in the 17th century, linked with greed and the strategy of divide-and-conquer, which have been central to maintaining racism since then. We then look more briefly at the nature of meditative and ethical training in the transformation of racism. A discussion period follows the talk.
Louisville Vipassana Community

2022-04-04 Week 4 - Guided Meditation 27:16
Jenny Wilks
The four elements.
Gaia House Foundations of Dharma practice: what the Buddha taught.

2022-04-04 Gladening our hearts with generosity to self and others - Monday Night Dharma Talk 53:42
Nikki Mirghafori
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2022-04-03 Our Best Home and the Path of Awakening (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:22
Oren Jay Sofer
Reflections on the path of awakening, the Brahma Viharas, and advice for retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Steadying the Heart: Refuge through the Four Sublime States

2022-04-03 Naming your inner critic 2:28
Sharon Salzberg
London Insight Meditation Sharon Salzberg – Finding Balance in Challenging Times

2022-04-03 Guided loving-kindness practice 10:08
Sharon Salzberg
London Insight Meditation Sharon Salzberg – Finding Balance in Challenging Times

2022-04-03 The four Brahmavihārās 22:12
Sharon Salzberg
London Insight Meditation Sharon Salzberg – Finding Balance in Challenging Times

2022-04-03 The balance of relaxation and energy in meditation 4:24
Sharon Salzberg
London Insight Meditation Sharon Salzberg – Finding Balance in Challenging Times

2022-04-03 Depth, Rest, Stillness (Part 3) 9:57
Leela Sarti
Teachings; Introduction to Theme of Inquiry Practice
Gaia House Timeless Presence in Daily Life

2022-04-03 Introduction to basic mindfulness meditation 15:15
Sharon Salzberg
London Insight Meditation Sharon Salzberg – Finding Balance in Challenging Times

2022-04-03 Bodhisattva Perspective 1:25:39
Nathan Glyde
How does our concept of for whom we're practising shape our practice? Including our energy and enthusiasm, what we might do in the practice, and more…
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Apr 2022

2022-04-03 The Cultivation of Samadhi, Week 1 – Meditation 35:25
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-04-03 The Cultivation of Samadhi, Week 1 – Talk 37:24
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-04-03 Depth, Rest, Stillness (Part 2) 40:17
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Timeless Presence in Daily Life

2022-04-03 Equanimity in the context of mindfulness 28:29
Sharon Salzberg
London Insight Meditation Sharon Salzberg – Finding Balance in Challenging Times

2022-04-03 Depth, Rest, Stillness (Part 1) 48:24
Leela Sarti
Guided Meditation
Gaia House Timeless Presence in Daily Life

2022-04-01 Mission: Inner Space 23:22
Ayya Medhanandi
Our mission is to find truth by turning inward to the space of the heart. We may think we know why we are here on this earth but we can only really know when we enter the sanctuary of this inner space and turn the world off. Then we will surely find the pearl of truth we long for. It is universal, not contrived nor concocted by our ignorant mind – and it gives us a peace and happiness that is unshakeable, incorruptible, and unconditional.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

2022-04-01 Guided Lovingkindness Practice – Introductory thoughts and guided meditation 41:34
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Monthly Lovingkindness Practice Group

2022-04-01 Guided Lovingkindness Practice – Talk and discussion 43:48
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Monthly Lovingkindness Practice Group

2022-04-01 talk: Seven Factors of Awakening 56:18
Jill Shepherd
An introduction and overview of the Seven Factors of Awakening
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2022

2022-03-31 Bringing the Practice to Life – Thursdays 25:32
JD Doyle
A weekly drop-in group that focuses on bringing our Buddhist practice fully into our lives. We will meditate together, listen to Dharma teaching, and share the lived experience of our practice. We aim to create a radically inclusive space where all are welcome (especially those who might have experienced marginalization such as LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, disabled, and economically impacted people). All levels of experience are invited to attend. All are welcome.
Insight Santa Cruz

2022-03-31 Abandoning the Hindrances to Peace 45:22
Ajahn Achalo
A talk given at the online retreat with Ajahn Anan on the 31 March 2022
Wat Marp Jan

2022-03-30 Meditation: Entrusting Yourself to the Waves 20:27
Tara Brach
By not resisting, by letting the waves wash through us, we began to relax. Rather than fighting the stormy surges, we rest in an ocean of awareness that embraces all the moving waves. We arrive in a sanctuary that feels large enough to hold whatever was going on.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-03-30 Compassion toward Non-Human Animals - A Conversation between Konda Mason and Tara Brach 68:20
Tara Brach, Konda Mason
The medicine our world most needs is compassion, and it is crucial that this include all living beings. Our societal conditioning blinds us to the horror of suffering experienced by non-human animals through our cruel system of factory farming. This conversation looks at how facing and responding to this suffering is necessary for the freedom of our own hearts, and the healing of the world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-03-30 Wise Compassion and its Near Enemies 43:13
Betsy Rose
Compassion (karuna) is an upwelling of tenderness and care in response to suffering. This beautiful quality of the heart has some "near enemies" that disguise as wise care, but cause our good intended words and actions to fall short, or even do more harm, to us and others. With song and story, this talk explores examples of near misses, and offers practices that allow wise compassion to emerge.
Assaya Sangha

2022-03-30 Liberating Invitation of Equanimity 56:35
Jeanne Corrigal
Equanimity is seen as the crown of our practice: it is the final parami, as well as the final quality in many other central lists in the Buddhist teaching. We will explore this quality and its liberating invitation this week.
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Wednesday Night Talks: The Parami (2021-2022)

2022-03-30 Dharma Talk 47:31
Martine Batchelor
The Ten Ox Herding Pictures
Gaia House A Seon Questioning and Listening Retreat

2022-03-30 Morning Pt 2 - Lightly Guided Meditation. Teachings - Practicing with Two Questions. 29:53
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House A Seon Questioning and Listening Retreat

2022-03-30 Reflections after Returning from Four Weeks on Retreat 68:28
Donald Rothberg
A few days after returning from four weeks on retreat at Spirit Rock, Donald reflects on a number of themes related to his retreat, including: the importance of retreat (as well as short periods of meditation) and getting away, if possible, from everyday demands and busyness; the centrality of noticing habitual tendencies and patterns; opening to the unknown and the mysterious; attending to what surfaces, including difficult material, deep aspirations, and insights; the importance of exploring "non-doing" in meditation and activities, and an opening to what is larger than oneself; and taking everything as part of a path of learning.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-03-30 Getting off the Chessboard of Life 43:45
Ajahn Sucitto
Our practice comes down to building up Path factors. Building up skills of integrity, loving-kindness, clarity of mind, and calm in order to be able to fruitfully meet dukkha. Clearing the ground, so citta is properly fed and encouraged to meet where the sense of self, the identification experience, comes to light – then citta can speak from its depth.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2022-03-29 Guided Sit--Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 66:52
Diana Winston
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-29 Meeting Life with Awareness and Wisdom (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:42
Mark Coleman
How to practically Meet Life with Awareness and Wisdom through mindfulness practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-29 Morning sit with Instruction (Retreat at Sprit Rock) 57:37
Diana Winston
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-29 Stop the Mind, Bring Forth the Heart 50:51
Ajahn Sucitto
The mind is affected by the world of sense consciousness – creates boundaries and generates a self. But what’s to be cultivated is the unconditioned where those limitations and differentiations don’t exist. Relax the boundaries with the practice of goodwill. Incline towards harmony, respect, integrity, and paying careful attention, for your welfare and the welfare of others. This is an end to our proliferations.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2022-03-28 Guided Sit--Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:40
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-28 Open, Spacious Awareness Meditation | Monday Night 27:27
Jack Kornfield
Reflect on the value of a peaceful heart. What is it like to have a peaceful heart among the worldly winds of praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, fame and disrepute. These are the worldly winds that constantly change. It's important to stop, take a pause, and feel that we are part of something so much greater than the individual life that we live. Our awareness is big enough to hold all of this, because we are awareness itself.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-03-28 Peace is Possible | Monday Night Talk 45:38
Jack Kornfield
We are in a time of great transition. The climate crisis, the pandemic, war, injustice, racism: they're all pressing on us to live in a different way. And if you live with a peaceful heart, the point is not to let your heart get hardened. Don't turn your gaze away. But see another possibility—see with the great heart of compassion. My teacher Ajahn Chah said, "We human beings are constantly in combat, at war to escape the fact of being so limited by so many circumstances we cannot control. But instead of escaping, we continue to create suffering, waging war with evil, waging war with good, waging war with what is too small, waging war with what is too big, waging war with what is too short or too long, or right or wrong, courageously carrying on the battle. It's time to stop the war. " The sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson said, "The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology." The first response is tend the wounds, feed the hungry, and stand up for peace in whatever way you can. But there is also an inner response needed. We know where war starts—it starts in the human heart. We must make the heart a zone of peace. Set your compass to your highest intention. Something in us knows there is another way.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-03-28 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mindfulness 57:23
Diana Winston
This talk explores the basics of mindfulness from the perspective of attention, attitude, and intention. It touches briefly on the five hindrances and includes a story about an exploding egg. Good for beginners!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-28 Morning Instructions 22:06
Martine Batchelor
What is This ?
Gaia House A Seon Questioning and Listening Retreat

2022-03-28 Mindfulness of Body and Breath Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:17:10
Mark Coleman
Mindfulness of Body and Breath Instructions - 1st day of a retreat
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-28 A Good Boat Needs Water 50:58
Ajahn Sucitto
The thinking mind conceives, weaves into being other people and self; it’s very convincing. But there is a choice – you can refer to things, people, situations – or you can refer to where faith arises. Turn to that faith-vehicle and let the energies and the tonality of faith, generosity and virtue shape mind (or ‘heart’ citta). Then you find a proper basis for mindfulness.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2022-03-27 The Skill and Benefit of Long Sits 55:16
Ajahn Achalo
A talk give by Ajahn Achalo 27 Mar 2022 on Day 2 of an online retreat with Ajahn Anan
Wat Marp Jan

2022-03-27 Dharma Talk 55:32
Martine Batchelor
Great Faith, Great Courage, Great Questioning
Gaia House A Seon Questioning and Listening Retreat

2022-03-27 Radiant Heart Meditation 26:46
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2022-03-27 Disarming the Self 56:15
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2022-03-27 Refuge in the Teachings of the Buddha, Part 2 – Meditation 35:07
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-03-27 Refuge in the Teachings of the Buddha, Part 2 – Talk 38:11
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-03-27 The Dog Knows Its True Master 46:56
Ajahn Sucitto
A lot of our practice is to recognize the ‘I am’ cannot do it – it has to be understood carefully as energies, habits, stories. Find another vehicle, the 5 indriya, the spiritual allies. The beauty of the practice is it works beyond the ‘I am’. The ‘I ‘can’t do it, but the indriya can. Give them a chance to keep working, and nature of citta is it does recognize these transpersonal qualities, like when a dog knows where its true master is.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2022-03-26 Notice What You Don't See - The Causes of Things 38:08
Ajahn Sucitto
Practice with directly experienced meanings, dhammas, qualities that touch the heart. Looking into causes and conditions, we begin to sense, this is causing certain phenomena to cease or arise. See where it goes; dhammas lead on by themselves. If you stay in touch with them they lead on to further clearance, or to further stress and suffering.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2022-03-25 Meditation and Dhamma talk on the five aggregates (khandā) 1:26:10
Bhante Sujato
From Harris Park. Meditation on the five "aggregates" (khandā), guided by Bhante Sujato. Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on the five aggregates. Subtle (sukhuma) rūpa perceived by the mind. The aggregates as inseparable aspects of experience. Perception recognizes and puts details together to meaningful wholes. Sankhārā in this context: volition. Meaning of "upadāna khandā"; metaphor of the hand. Q+A: Contemplation of khandas in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta. Why such brief introduction of the concept of khandas in the Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta (reference: MN 26).
Lokanta Vihara

2022-03-25 Everyone Likes Letting Go 39:33
Ajahn Sucitto
Investigate feeling as an energy rather than as content. Refer to that which is affected, the heart itself. It’s up to us to apply energy, investigate, turn the mind around, turn the heart, get it to see clearly. Use body to stabilize and simplify content, and the concoction of thought dissipates. This is release; the heart becomes unrestricted.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2022-03-24 Understanding the Whirlpools of This Heart 65:57
Mark Nunberg
The Buddha taught that we are all spinning due to our habits of greed, hatred, and delusion, long enough to have become wise and dispassionate about how we keep getting hooked into these stressful cycles. What is it that we are not seeing clearly enough that keeps this spin spinning? The Buddha’s teachings encourage us to stabilize present-moment awareness so that we can begin to see how impersonal and lawful all this inner and outer activity actually is. Understanding the river of experience in this way leads to a natural letting go and a releasing of attachment.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2022-03-24 Bringing the Practice to Life – Thursdays 27:48
JD Doyle
A weekly drop-in group that focuses on bringing our Buddhist practice fully into our lives. We will meditate together, listen to Dharma teaching, and share the lived experience of our practice. We aim to create a radically inclusive space where all are welcome (especially those who might have experienced marginalization such as LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, disabled, and economically impacted people). All levels of experience are invited to attend. All are welcome.
Insight Santa Cruz

2022-03-24 Aspiration – The Rising of the Heart 32:14
Ajahn Sucitto
Aspiration connects to the very fundamental wish of the heart, and acts as the basis for energy. What does the heart really rise up for? Rather than just getting by in life, where is the sense of purpose and meaning that brings forth the best in us? All of our actions and words should proceed from that place of faith. Body helps ground and moderate that energy.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2022-03-24 Embracing Strong Emotions, Part 2 (Dharma Talk & Guided Meditation) 1:12:24
Kaira Jewel Lingo
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-03-24 Embracing Strong Emotions, Part 1 (6 Step Vagal Nurturing Sequence) 7:24
Kaira Jewel Lingo
Credit for Polyvagal Nurturing based on Dr. Marti Glenn's work & research. Kaira Jewel also offers this video as an aid for Vagal Nurturing:
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-03-23 The Story of Angulimala (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:43
Andrea Fella
Angulimala murdered 999 people before he met the Buddha. This is the story of how he came to be a murderer and how his encounter with the Buddha led to his transformation. This telling of the story emphasizes the value of sila (ethical conduct) in our own lives, and the effect our ethical conduct can have on those around us.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-03-23 Meditation: Inhabiting Our Body, Realizing Wholeness 24:13
Tara Brach
Awakening awareness in the body is the portal to resting in boundless and dynamic presence. This guided practice scans the body from feet up, and helps us inhabit all parts of our body. As we open to the aliveness and space inside the body, we discover a permeability that allows us to inhabit the universe of aliveness and space, form and formlessness. With this homecoming to whole beingness is an intrinsic experience of freedom.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-03-23 Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit – Part 2 57:11
Tara Brach
All that we cherish—creativity, love, wisdom, realization—arises from an embodied presence. Yet as we know, the wounds and trauma of our society and individual lives leads toward dissociation. These two talks look at the challenges to awakening through our bodies, and the practices and teachings that guide us on the path.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-03-23 Freedom with the Whirlpools of the Mind – Talk 65:26
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-03-23 Living in the Stream of Kindness 55:51
Jeanne Corrigal
Kindness, the 9th Parami, is a quality we practice monthly in our community, and call upon frequently. This week, we will celebrate kindness and get creative about how to practice it, so that we can live more and more fully in the stream of kindness.
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Wednesday Night Talks: The Parami (2021-2022)

2022-03-22 Guided Meditation: Equanimity Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 45:50
Andrea Fella
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-03-22 Equanimity Practice 29:12
Andrea Fella
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-03-21 Week 3 - Guided Meditation 23:14
Laura Bridgman
Contemplating pleasant / unpleasant, and noticing change.
Gaia House Foundations of Dharma practice: what the Buddha taught.

2022-03-21 Buddhist Studies Course: Sensuality, Craving, Contentment and Dispassion, Week 2 – Meditation 30:06
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course: Sensuality, Craving, Contentment and Dispassion

2022-03-21 Buddhist Studies Course: Sensuality, Craving, Contentment and Dispassion, Week 2 – Talk 37:53
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course: Sensuality, Craving, Contentment and Dispassion

2022-03-21 Week 3 - Dharma Talk 25:16
Jenny Wilks
Impermanence and dependent arising.
Gaia House Foundations of Dharma practice: what the Buddha taught.

2022-03-21 Born for Love 57:56
Pawan Bareja
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2022-03-21 Non-Violence is not Pacificism 16:07
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Pacificism is an ideal, a concept placed opon reality and so can lead to unwise reaction. Non-violence is an attitude which may mean the use of force, but not violence which is force plus anger.
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat

2022-03-21 Closing Session Pt 2 29:05
Laura Bridgman
Integrating Dharma practice into our life. (This recording also includes Alan Lewis)
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-21 Closing Session - Pt 1 26:31
Alan Lewis
Teachings - awareness says ‘yes’ to everything. Silent Meditation.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-21 Guided Early Morning Meditation 37:53
Alan Lewis
Allowing all experiences to pass through us.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-20 Liberation Through Non-Clinging (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:51
Greg Scharf
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-03-20 Afternoon Pt 2 - Guided Metta Meditation 37:37
Alan Lewis
Labelling experiences as significant and insignificant. Paying attention to what seems insignificant, finding nourishment in unlikely places.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-20 The delights and pitfalls of faith 48:27
Jake Dartington
London Insight Meditation Jake Dartington – The Delights and Pitfalls of Faith

2022-03-20 Afternoon Pt 1 - The Qualities of Awareness Itself 21:04
Laura Bridgman
Noticing what we already know about our learnt experience, and how our willingness to go beyond that can allow for that experience to go deeper and reveal more of itself.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-20 Reflections on faith guided practice 33:07
Jake Dartington
London Insight Meditation Jake Dartington – The Delights and Pitfalls of Faith

2022-03-20 How faith can support our practice 8:47
Jake Dartington
London Insight Meditation Jake Dartington – The Delights and Pitfalls of Faith

2022-03-20 Morning Pt 2 - Lightly Guided Meditation. Teachings - Practicing with Two Questions 29:53
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-20 Gratitude meditation and silent practice 32:52
Jake Dartington
London Insight Meditation Jake Dartington – The Delights and Pitfalls of Faith

2022-03-20 Refuge in the Teachings of the Buddha, Part 1 – Meditation 33:57
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-03-20 Refuge in the Teachings of the Buddha, Part 1 – Talk 39:29
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-03-20 Introduction to the theme of faith 27:15
Jake Dartington
London Insight Meditation Jake Dartington – The Delights and Pitfalls of Faith

2022-03-20 Morning Pt 1 - Reflections 38:30
Alan Lewis
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-20 Guided Early Morning Meditation 43:59
Alan Lewis
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-19 Afternoon Pt 2 - Lightly Guided Meditation& Teachings 41:02
Laura Bridgman
Lightly Guided Meditation - choosing what anchors you into the present moment. Teachings – Seeing and Looking, Listening and Hearing: investigating the difference between these ways of experiencing. This recording also includes Alan Lewis.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-19 Afternoon Pt 1 – Noticing the Space Within Which Things Arise 29:08
Alan Lewis
Teachings on how we relate to spaciousness and capacity.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-19 Morning Pt 2 – Being Worthy of Love 32:16
Alan Lewis
Teachings - meeting our experience with honesty and inquiry, letting our experience be painful. This recording also includes a short teaching on 'walking with awareness' (walking meditation) led by Laura Bridgman.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-19 Morning Pt 1 – Reflections - Meeting the Inner Activities of Self 25:22
Laura Bridgman
Lightly guided meditation. Teachings on and how inner activity can lose its grip on us, changing our perceptions and leading to less suffering.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-19 Patience 1:19:38
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2022-03-19 Early Morning - Guided Meditation 42:41
Alan Lewis
Using breath as an anchoring point.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-18 Disenchantment and Dispassion (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 63:50
Andrea Fella
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-03-18 Evening - Posture, Energy, Sleepiness, Silent Sit. 32:25
Alan Lewis
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-18 The Five Daily Reflections 52:52
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge March 2022

2022-03-18 Sīla, Mettā meditation, Q+A 1:22:34
Bhante Sujato
From Harris Park. Sīla - a life in the Dhamma as foundation for meditation. Mettā meditation guided by Bhante Sujato. Q+A: gratitude as an aspect of mudita. The role of mettā when dealing with trauma.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-03-18 Metta for Myanmar and Ukraine 46:17
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Monthly Lovingkindness Practice Group

2022-03-18 Afternoon Pt 3 - Reflections on Awareness and Feeling 29:17
Laura Bridgman
This recording also includes Alan Lewis.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

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