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gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2018-08-05 10 instructions: walking rotating through senses 7:59
Short instructions for a variation of walking meditation, tuning in to physical sensations, then seeing, then hearing
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-05 09 guided meditation: mindfulness of the breath, physical sensations, and sounds 28:39
Using the breath as home base, then gradually opening up the field of awareness to include physical sensations throughout the body, then sounds
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-05 08 instructions: different approaches to mindfulness 15:38
An exploration of mindfulness as a way of relating to experience, and understanding when and how to apply different approaches to help keep the mind balanced
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-04 07 talk: Four Noble Truths 41:53
An exploration of dukkha and an overview of the Four Noble Truths
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-04 06 guided dyad meditation: mindfulness of body 34:19
Guided dyad (pairs) meditation practising vipassana out loud, naming physical sensations in the body
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-04 05 short instructions: continuity of mindfulness and walking meditation 10:27
Instructions for maintaining continuity of mindfulness throughout the day, followed by walking meditation instructions
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-04 04 meditation: mindfulness of breathing 30:01
Guided meditation stabilising awareness on the breath, emphasising ease and calm
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-04 03 instructions: introduction of mindfulness and the practice of mindfulness of breathing 15:45
An overview of what is meant by mindfulness, its purpose, and beginning instructions for mindfulness of breathing
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-03 02 meditation: mindfulness of breathing 33:20
Short body scan to help release tension, then mindfulness of breathing emphasising calm
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion
2018-08-03 01 talk: retreat opening 19:54
Retreat opening talk, with an overview of the practice and supports for our inner journey, including commitment to non-harming through taking the five ethical precepts
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion

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